Poor bitch wonderfalls
Poor bitch wonderfalls

"You may have flushed that baggie of pills, but it's not like I can't get more," she chortled. "You could be off doing.doing drugs or something! Or being raped! How would I even know if you don't call me and check in?"Īngela laughed. Her hair was frazzled, her expression harried. "Because I don't know if you're ok!" Mom took another corner at high speed. "Why do you even care where I am?" asked Angela. Mom didn't like anything Angela did, and half the time Angela wasn't even sure if she was doing something for herself or just because it would piss Mom off.

poor bitch wonderfalls

She didn't like the goth clothing, or the tight tops and skinny jeans she wore for Megan. "You're out of control, Angela!"Īngela sneered. "Your room is filthy all the time! You dyed your hair like this! You're out at all hours of the day and night going to parties and I never know where you are!" Mom was frantic, hunched over the wheel. Mostly she loved how much it pissed Mom off. She had got it a week ago, so she could match Megan. We can all hear you you know! And THIS! I can't believe you did this after I told you you couldn't!" "You don't listen! You have sex with that.that AWFUL girl in your bedroom. Angela didn't know where Mom was going, just that she was driving like a maniac. She yanked the wheel and they both leaned tight as they took the corner at high speed. "This is what I'm talking about!" her mother shrieked. "I'll fuck my girlfriend if I want, and there's nothing you can do about it! I'm 13 now! You're not the boss of me!" "I'm sick of you lecturing me," Angela growled. Things had been growing worse for months, finally reaching a head last night. Arguing with her Mom was nothing new - they did it on a daily basis now. "I'm tired of your attitude Angela! All your stupid tantrums and your attitude - I've had enough!"Īngela rolled her eyes. Mom scowled back, her face painted with fury.

poor bitch wonderfalls

Angela crossed her arms and scowled at her mother from the passenger seat.

Poor bitch wonderfalls